Note: If you feel sleepy at any point of reading the following, feel free to skip to the end which has in store the "good news". :)

One of my friends Fregil mentioned about an organisation named AIESEC. A quick google search revealed that AIESEC is an International not-for-profit organisation, run entirely by students. It focuses on imparting Global Entrepreneurial Leadership skills to the youth and also acts as a platform that bridges cultural differences by providing International Internship opportunities. I liked the concept and decided to join AIESEC. The AIESEC Kochi Coordinator, Varun gave a brief overview of the functioning of the organisation and how it came into existence. This was followed by the selection procedure (GD & PI). Then a few days later, Varun called me up to inform me that I was now part of AIESEC Kochi!!!!

IF you're still reading this!!! The boring part is over!!!

So I was now part of AIESEC Kochi. Till now I didn't know the real reason of my joining AIESEC.
But then came LCong(Local Congress) by AIESEC Bangalore. I was part of the 5 member delegation from Kochi that went to the LCong.

The LCong experience is very difficult to express in words. Meeting so many AIESECers, talking to them, getting to know their stories, what they do as an AIESECer was extremely inspiring. Learnt a great deal about Brand Value, Brand Promotion, Marketing, Global Exchange Intership program, Global Community Development program, Structure and Working of an organisation, importance of BHAG and much much more.

All this might seem that AIESEC is just All work and no play! Well there you're wrong! One of the core values in AIESEC is 'Enjoying Participation', and the fun was unlimited! Roll Calls, Jives and sleepless nights. AIESECers do know how to party hard! I was really surprised with the seamless transition from "Professional Mode" to the "Party Mode".

I really loved the LCong. Thanks AIESEC Bangalore!
Really Looking forward to working with AIESEC Kochi!

So that's my experience with AIESEC in the brief period of less than a month.
Would you like to know why you should join AIESEC?
How would joining AIESEC Benefit you?
What can you possibly achieve through AIESEC?

AIESEC gives you a

  • Chance to connect with over 80,000 AIESECers spread over 113 countries! and learn about the cultural diversity of the world
  • Platform for improving your Leadership skills, Team Management skills, Entrepreneurial skills and the way you carry yourself around!
  • Opportunity for an International Internship.
  • Chance to meet, interact and strike deals with the leaders of Corporate Giants.
  • Chance to do your bit in community development.
They say that more than 70% of engineering freshers are "UNEMPLOYABLE". Why? Lack of Innovation, communication skills, leadership potential, and what not.
But have "they" done anything about it?

Distinguish yourself from the crowd! Work your way into the other 30%! 

Now comes the good news!!!
AIESEC Kochi is currently on a Recruitment Drive!
If you live in or around Kochi and want to join AIESEC, look no further, contact me and obtain the Application form at the earliest.

Praveen Sridhar


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